Juraj Petráš
Personal project

Portfolio website

The website you are on now! Everything on this website was designed, built and poslished by me. This is the perfect showcase of a website built from scratch. It can look however you want, be fast and search engine optimized.


#Technologies used

I considered many technologies for building my portfolio. The final candidates turned out to be:
Sveltekit - what I ultimately chose
Next.js - React based full stack framework
Astro - failry new framework for building static websites.

As this is a portfolio website, I wanted something that is capable of generatig static files, which all of these frameworks are. This website has some non standard layouts and animations so I chose not to use Next.js, becuase working with CSS in React is not the best experience ever.

Astro seemed like a good fit. It produces very small websites, which makes them really fast to load. The partial hydration is also very cool and speeds up the site even more. This workflow is great for mostly static websites, with some dynamic components. But I wanted my portfolio to by dynamic almost everywhere, with suttle animations and micro interactions. Which means that I would hydrate most of the page anyways.

And then there was SvelteKit. With support for SSG and SSR, great developer experience and great integration with Svelte. So I ended up choosing it.